Baby Sensory Eastern Suburbs Sydney NSW


Baby Sensory classes run in the Eastern Suburbs area. Our multi-award winning Baby development classes are held weekly in Bondi Junction, Coogee & Maroubra

Baby Sensory is a unique programme specifically designed for babies from birth to 13 months to promote learning and development during this precious first year.

Our research-based programme is guaranteed to excite you and your little one. Classes are packed with an incredible variety of sounds, smells, sights, textures, music, dance, signing, therapeutic games, bonding and massage, all designed to aid all round brain development, as well as social and emotional skills.

Every single activity has been designed to stimulate development and we will share this developmental information with you so each week you can take away lots of ideas for supporting and encouraging your baby's development at home.

The friendly, relaxed environment also makes our classes a fabulous place to meet other new parents and share magical moments with your baby.

If you are looking for an amazing activity to attend with your baby, a class that will leave you feeling empowered with knowledge and help to nurture your babies development then call us today to arrange a visit.